Day 1 with the Github CLI 1.0
GitHub finally launch their CLI, versioned 1.0 after 7 months of having it in Beta. Done with Cmd+Tab
/ Ctrl+tab
to move to the browser. Do it all at one place.
You can install the GitHub CLI on you laptop and can perform entire GitHub’s workflow right from the terminal, starting from creating an issue, reviewing a PR, to merging a PR.
You can create aliases against any commands. You can also use GitHub APIs to trigger Actions.
Visit this [link] (https://cli.github.com/) for the official documentation.
To install Github CLI, open the terminal and run:
brew install gh
sudo apt-add-repository https://cli.github.com/packages && sudo apt update && sudo apt install gh
scoop bucket add github-gh https://github.com/cli/scoop-gh.git
After the installation, we need to authenticate the CLI with our GitHub Account. For that, run gh auth login
and proceed with the instructions that follow.
On a successful login, we now can perform all the workflows of GitHub, for which, previously, we had to open the browser, right from the terminal.
Let’s look at some of them.
gh repo clone <repo name>
A gh repo view
would show us the Readme for the repo, if any.
We can create an issue on a repo using gh issue create
and entering the details that it asks for.
I created a new branch and made some changes, commited them and pushed it to the branch. To raise a PR, I previously had to go to GitHub.com on my browser and raise it from there. No more. All you need is: gh pr create
We can also perform PR reviews from the CLI. I haven’t tried out reviewing a big PR on it to put my thoughts about it. But yes, we can. We can approve, leave comments, or request for changes right from the CLI.
Also, have it merged.
This is just an overview, there are a whole lot of commands we need to play around and try out.
One of the best things: to create a new repo, we donot need to do a git init
, Create Repo on GitHub.com, and git remote add origin ...
. It is just a command on the CLI.
Happy Git!